How To Sharpen Brain?
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Here are ways to make you smarter.
1. Have a balanced meal and make sure to add egg white into your diet daily
2. Exercise before you study. Exercising makes your mind more alert. Exercising improves blood circulation of the brain
3. Taking multivitamins with Vit B12, Folic acid, Magnesium, Vit B6 and Vit E are commonly seen to improve both memory and concentration
4. Sleeping well for atleast 8 hours a day improves concentration
5. Avoid working late nights and watching tv late nights.
6. Revising what you have studied immediately the next day improves recall capacity by 48%
I hope I was of help, if you have any further queries please get back to me
I wish you good health
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Citicholine is good drug for memory impairment however it is only given in proven attention deficit disorder conditions and normal people might not see much of a difference.
Brahmi is an ayurvedic product since I am an allopathic doctor I do not have much information about it, I have seen some patients on it seeing little improvement
I hope I was of help, I am sorry for the short delay in my reply I was on call at my hospital
I am 19 and I bought yesterday a Brain Health supplement at GNC. it doesn't have an age prescription. I may be scared with some of the ingredients including the previous mentioned choline because one of the physicians in this app told me it is just for old people with Alzheimer's desease. And, that many of other supplements doesn't work but just work the placebo effect. I don't have any kind of psychological desease, I just want to improve attention and retention. it is good for me to use it?
Thanks again for your time
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You can take this supplement, the contents of this product are safe at your age. Choline at 100mg is safe to be taken on a daily basis. Choline and citacholine are two different things. Citacholine as a drug is prescribed in dementia.
Along with this supplement please also follow some of the tips I have mentioned in my first post. I also recommend you to follow 'study tips' and 'motivation' on pintrest or other social sites to keep you motivated. It helped me while studying for my M.D
I hope I was of help
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I am glad I was of help. You can write me a review, it makes me happy
You too have a nice day