Brief Answer:
Options explained below
Detailed Answer:
Hello and welcome back,
I understand the issue.
The period was due on the 1st of march so she is now approximately 8 weeks.
There are 2 options:
Medical abortion using drugs
2. Surgical abortion under anesthesia
It is still possible to get a medical abortion now if you act fast. In medical abortion drugs are used that induce abortion similar to a period. This may be done up to 63 days or 9 weeks of
It induces a complete abortion in 95% - 98% cases and in the rest it may lead to an incomplete procedure and a surgical evacuation may be needed. The indications for a surgical procedure are continuous bleeding, or no bleeding after drugs.
The second option is directly go for a surgical evacuation. It is a short procedure and very safe in skilled hands. So if you want to get it done, go to an MD gynecologist. She will be given a short anesthesia and the procedure will be completed in 10 minutes. It also has a few complications associated with it, but in skilled hands these are very very rare. She may also go home on the same day if the procedure is done in the morning hours.
So the outline plan for you now is:
First visit a doctor and confirm that the pregnancy is inside the
uterus [ this is a formality that must be done before every abortion procedure as sometimes there is an ectopic pregnancy or pregnancy in tube that has to be ruled out for the safety of the patient]. The doctor will advise you if an
ultrasound is needed. In my place, we do not routinely go for an ultrasound unless the uterus is bigger than expected or suspected ectopic.
The method of termination will depend upon the duration of pregnancy. If it is less than 9 weeks, drugs can be used and if 9-12 weeks a surgical method is preferred.
The drugs use are mifepristone and
misoprostol tablets given 48 hours apart.
You may also go for a copper T insertion in the same setting as the abortion procedure if a surgical method is adopted.
After this it is advisable to used ongoing
contraception like condoms, pills or injections or copper T to avoid abortions in future.
I hope I was able to answer your query.
I am always here to answer any more queries.
Dr Madhuri Bagde
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist