How To Treat Twinges In The Ovaries And Cramps ?
Many Thanks
In case, the timing of these symptoms are coinciding with your regular periods, then the cramps could be due to dysmenorrhea (cramping due to uterine contractions, that are common during menstrual cycles), and can be effectively treated with medications like naprosyn and ibuprofen.
In case, you are not having your periods currently, then the symptoms of cramps, bloating, nausea, have started recently, the following could be the possible causes -
1. The new pills (Birth control pills) - In this case, the symptoms will be transient and might resolve on their own soon.
2. the symptoms could be associated with IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome) - Can be treated with medications like pepto bismol (resolves cramps, nausea ) and Activated Charcoal ( resolves bloating and excess gas).
3. In case the severity of the cramps and nausea, is very high, then they could be due to ovarian cysts or renal stones. This might need to be evaluated with tests like a ultrasound or a CT of the abdomen.
I hope this helps.
I will be available for any follow up questions that you might be having.