How To Withdraw From Zopiclone?
Gradual tapering
Detailed Answer:
Zopiclone is a Z-drug and it is a good hypnotic drug. The drug is used for short term management of early insomnia. Prolong use may result in dependence and may result in difficulty to discontinue. What I advise in my Opd to my patients on Zopiclone is to gradually taper the dose of drug over 6-8 weeks. Doses are reduced gradually about 20-25% per two weeks. As you are taking only 5 mg a day then just halving the dose for next two weeks and then to take on SOS basis for two more weeks.
Alternatively as some patients suffer problem of insomnia with this method other equivalent drug with long action can be used for smooth withdrawal. Diazepam 5 mg can be given for about a week and then tapering can be done with 2.5 mg dose for two more weeks and then halving the tablet for two more weeks and then tablet can be discontinued. I would advise you to consult a psychiatrist or your doctor to discuss about this and for prescription of these drugs and detoxification. It's not that difficult as tapering from diazepam is easier than Zopiclone.
Thanks, hope this helps you, ask again for more doubts.