I Have An Identical Twin Sister, Who Went To A

exercises 30 per day, and walks. She goes to the doctor & of course she get the white coat syndrome. He checked her and he told her she ha a slight murmur, that blew her mind. Shhe had a ekg & he said its good, now he is sending her for an echocardiagram & doppler. She is in a state of panic & so am I, because she is my identical twin sister. I need something posit, before we give our selves heart attacks. I forgot to mention she was uder stress for 6 months.
Welcome to Health Care Magic
Murmurs can be 'innocent' - meaning there may not be any organic cause / say anaemia, increased flow and so on.
Even in identical twins, there need not be 100% chance of diseases being identical in both persons.
Your LDL (bad cholesterol) is below the normal range. Great indeed!
HDL (good cholesterol) level is excellent - only a blessed minority have this high range. It protects.
Your life style is very good - proper diet and regular exercise.
The chances of heat attack is really very far away. Normal EKG is reassuring.
The tests are probably meant to rule out anything - rather than ruling in.
Be positive. All has been well till now / will be well in future too.
Take care
Wishing speedy recovery
God bless
Good luck

ECHO and Doppler - the technique is operator-dependent / the results are mostly automated - they are there at the time of doing itself.
The doctor will have to go through them to confirm. The only deciding factor is the time available to him to access it - once he has it, it is a question of a few minutes only.
You must take things easy.
You should not allow extraneous factors to affect you.
If you are the problem, you are the solution!
Worrying does not solve or influence the outcome. It is waste of time and energy!
Practice relaxation exercises, bio-feed back, yoga and so on.
If the preliminary report is OK, everything will be OK.
The only thing may be - he is waiting for it to come through the horse's mouth...
God bless you

That is no reason to worry at all.
The situations are always similar – it is our reaction that differs. If there is no appointment, then where is the place for disappointment? Stop expecting / imagining...
If the doctor has not reported so long, it is his problem! – Probably he has more serious things to attend to and your normal event is not a priority. Could it be that he is brushing up his memory after seeing such a normal one at this age? It is a question of minutes to retrieve from the machine’s storage / analyse / and report.
The other day, I was listening to the radio; I heard a song, which goes thus! “Dear God! I need not and I will not worry about anything / Because I know you are taking care of me and I have left it to you / If anything, it is your problem to worry about me! / Leave it to HIM and relax.
When there is no symptom, why should you worry?
Even if there is a symptom, why should you worry? God has given it to a few people so that they can be investigated and treated.
If there is a murmur, so what? Even new born children can have. Not everything turns out to be abnormal. Some murmurs are called “functional or innocent.”
Either way, there is no cause for worry! May I mention here an old grandma’s funny story? – It was midnight and the lady had some noise in the kitchen. She prodded the man to go and have a look – possibly a burglar? The sleepy man told her that no burglar will be foolish enough to make noise; turned away and dozed off. A few minutes elapsed. The lady now said, “There is no noise now! Go and look!” The moral of the story is that the tendency to doubt and/or worry, is common and we should learn to ignore it / get over it.
God bless you

Your personal history is very good
Your family history too is good indeed...
Blessed to have had mother in nineties..
You may even overtake it!
I am equally eager to know the results!

Things turned out to be nothing of significance.
The only thing to worry about is worry itself.
Enjoy life
Have a good day - today, tomorrow, everyday!
God bless you

One does not treat laboratory values or Echocardiogram!
It is the patient, we treat – patient as a whole...
Just because something has been found doesn't mean that it should be treated.
Not giving any treatment is itself a treatment in such cases!
Actually it needs great expertise, experience, confidence and courage on the part of the physician to do this – many will not be able to do this. Ordinary doctors may simply write a prescription to satisfy the patient and skirt the situation! This only shows you are in good hands – your doctor is doing the right thing.
Many people have this finding – even the very young.
In her case too, it had been there in her for long / the doctor only discovered incidentally!
She didn't know till now and she didn't worry / there is no need now to worry, just because she has come to know. She has no problems from it / problems may take decades to occur; most likely may never happen at all
The web is flooded with information – it is all un-censored.
The problem is to sift the ‘sense’ from ‘mis-sense’ and ‘non-sense’ / and an array of technical jargon.
Have confidence in your consultant, not hearsay
You are taking such great care! She has been blessed with a twin – many aren’t...
Take her out – party, park, beach, cinema / encourage to read, see television.
She should have diversion / have hobby / new friends
Relaxation exercise / yoga / feed back can help
If she is still worried, she will benefit from Psychological counselling – unwarranted worry is anxiety neurosis. And the one focussed on heart is called Cardiac Neurosis... Psychiatric assessment and assistance is of great help in many.
Rest assured, she will be back to normal – in spite of doctors, if not because of doctors!!??...
I can see, you have the motivation – that is half the cure.
The rest is a question of time.
Good luck

Thank you, Doctor.
Glad to know that I have been of some help.
Pleased to hear of the happy family.
It is rare indeed to see siblings, so much attached.
May God bless you....may be some ’evil eyes’ had sisturbed?!
There is an old proverb – “An idle mind is devil’s workshop”
Both of you (I didn’t get your names till now!) should keep yourself busy / not an employment, per se / but something like community work for disabled persons, elders’ homes and so on. When you help others, you help yourself too.
You need to develop courage. No need to be afraid of white coat – after all, we too belong to the same class! May be the ‘coat’ too may be apprehensive!? In some Children’s Hospitals, doctors skip their coats – literally – to ease the child’s apprehension.
There is one life / Enjoy it to the maximum / Don’t worry.
Best of luck

Atrial septum is the partition between the two upper chambers of the heart. An aneurysm is bulging from thinning / weakness. Depending on the size, it can slow down the movement of blood a bit there and may occasionally be a source for clot formation – blood thinners are sometimes prescribed for this, in some cases. His cardiologist may prescribe, if there is a need.
The very fact that he withstood surgery uneventfully is itself an assurance.
Nothing need be done, except to follow up / repeat the ECHO after 6 months.

God Bless you.
Sincerely, Kaye Cerri
There sure must be better doctors everywhere -
As the proverb goes - The best is the one not yet seen!
God bless you

Thankyou, in advance.
Take care of co-morbidities, if any... For example, if he has blood pressure, it is to be controlled well.
Keep the weight normal.
If he has to see a doctor for any reason, the doctor should be informed - he may give antibiotic before any procedure. Most people need antibiotic after many procedures - here, it is given beforehand to prevent possible infection of the valve and so on.
Otherwise, the thing to do is to forget it and carry on as usual

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