Increased Desire To Sleep, Low Energy Level. Had Heart Surgery, Chemotherapy, Pneumonia. Related?
Thanks for writing in.
I am a qualified and certified cardiologist. I read your detailed mail with diligence.
At the outset, I must place my unflinching admiration your fortitude for displaying equanimity to whom , I see from your medical history, life has not given you a fair deal. I salute you. As if 3 coronary revascularization were not enough (2 Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting and one stent implantation) plus a mitral valve surgery you have tolerated. To top it all you have undergone treatment for breast cancer. Let us come to your question of excessive sleep. Yes you have reached the right conclusion, heart as well drugs which you are taking both are culprits.
1. You have not mentioned but forward pumping of heart is reduced and filling pressure of the ventricles increase this leads to back flow of blood into the venis which bring oxygenated blood from lungs to heart - Pulmonary Vein. Normally this causes shortness of breath. This leads to some of the symptoms of fatigue also. What you are referring as low energy level, I am counting that as Fatigue.
2. Drugs like zolpidem (day time drowsiness), oxycodone (impaired thinking) and poly pharmacy (meaning someone who is on more than 6 drugs) contribute to excessive sleepiness.
I will urge you to see your doctor and ask any drug he can afford to discontinue. If you have query for me please write I shall reply as soon as possible. At least we ought to try to make yourself not cured but at least not drugged and less sleepy during the day (after having full quota of restful sleep during night). Regards.
With Best Wishes
Dr Anil Grover,
Medical Specialist & Cardiologist
M.B.;B.S, M.D. (Internal Medicine) D.M.(Cardiology)
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