Infant Having Frequent Urination And Unable To Sleep Properly. On Lactogen. What Should I Do?
I understand and appreciate your eagerness to breast feed the baby.
Of course it is the best ,to be given alone up to 6 months at least!
Your baby has just put on 100 gms weight in 3 weeks.
This along with constipation suggests inadequate intake definitely.
The ways to increase your supply will be the following as you know.
1- complete emptying of the breast during feeding.
Start with rt breast and then continue with left breast. Next time start with left side and then carry on with rt.
2- frequent suckling which will stimulate let down reflex
3- you take plenty of fluids and milk.
4- lactare is a herbal preparation.- do not know how much it helps.
If by all the means ,your milk is not enough then you have no other go!!!!
If milk is enough the baby should pass at least 2-3 semi soft yellowish stools per day.
If the baby does not like lactogen you have other alternatives like enfamil,etc.
Keep on trying !
Do not give up hope.
Good luck
God bless
Dr Uma
Regaining birth weight by 3 weeks is normal.
After that weight increase should be more than 25-30 grams per day on average.
Stools nature I already mentioned.
Urine should not be concentrated and smelly.( which is an indirect evidence of inadequate milk)
Baby sleeps for 1.5 . To 2 hrs after feeds is another god sign.
Try your best with breast feeds.
Otherwise Lactogen is absolutely no problem.
Do not worry.
Good luck