Infant Vomiting Continuously, Has Lot Of Gas And Takes Out Milk When Burps. Advised To Give Periset Injection
Thank you for your query on Healthcare Magic.
It seems your child is having gastroesophageal reflex due to which he is having vomitings.
This is a common problem in early infancy and it decreases as the child grows.
Gastroesophageal reflux subsides in 80% of children by 6 months of age, another 10% by the age of 1 year.
Nothing to worry if the child is gaining appropriate weight, passing adequate urine, and thriving well.
If the vomitings are persistent, prokinetic drug like domperidone drops can be given in prescribed dose.
Give small quantity of milk feeds at frequent intervals.
After feeding, hold the child in upright position for 5-10 minutes followed by burping.
For gas problem oral drops like neopeptine will help to relieve the discomfort.
I advise you to give exclusive breastfeeding to the child till the age of 6 months.
If the vomitings are persistent, or child not gaining weight, hungry after vomitings, the pathological organic causes like pyloric stenosis and other metabolic problems should be investigated with your pediatrician advise.
Therefore at present I advise you to consult pediatrician for physical examination to assess the hydratio, weight gain, to look and evaluate for any abnormal signs of any organic problem, and for prescription of medication for vomitings.
Hope I have answered your query, if you have any clarification please let me know.
Also can I give him cow's milk instead of nan 1 I am not having good amount of feed and after taking my feed he still asks for more it ok to give him cow's milk or packaged milk..plz advice..
Thank you for getting back.
If the vomitings are persistent like this, child needs medication to control the vomiting immediately.
Prokinetic and anti emetic drug like domperidone drops has to be given orally every 8th hourly in prescribed dose to stop the vomitings.
Continue to give sips of ORS like Pedialyte to maintain hydration and monitor his hydration status by activity, urine output, and moisture of oral cavity.
I advise you not to give cow's milk as it aggravates the problem and is associated with infections, allergy, and indigestion with colic.
If you don't have enough breast milk, continue to give Nan1. But you should take precautions in hygienic preparation, handling, and feeding of formula milk to baby.
Give formula milk feeds using a cup and spoon.
Avoid bottle feeding.
At present I advise you to consult the doctor as early as possible for the control of vomitings and to investigate for any other pathological causes for it.
Hope I have answered your query, if you have any clarification please let me know.
Wish your child a speedy recovery.
Also, one thing that I had noticed is now from today morning his vomiting is sticky in texture and looks like mucous but it has no smell..but he does not seem to have cough-cold..
Also, should v give the proper full and prescribed feed of Nan 1 or can v make a little thinner milk and give it to him so that it digests easily and he does not vomit..please give ur advice.
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Demand feeding is the best method of feeding an infant.
Demand feeding means whenever the child is hungry and cries for feeds, you should offer feeds.
This type of feeding encourages child involvement in feeds and gives a secured attachment.
On an average you can give 5 feeds per day and each feed consisting of 150ml.
But it ultimately depends on child hungry and satiety.
The sticky mucous content in his vomitus is due to the presence of secretions from the lining of mucosa.
Don't give diluted formula feeds as that will aggravate the reflux.
Reconstitute the formula feeds as per the instructions on the pack.
Hope I have answered your query, if you have any clarification please let me know.
Dear doc did not understand the above line..please explain what is it and do we need to do anything for it..I mean any medicine.
Also, as u have advised v are giving him neopeptine..please let me know the doses and for hw long can v give him neopeptine.
Thank you for getting back.
The sticky content of vomiting is due to the swallowed mucus secretions from the inner lining layer of his food pipe and mouth.
No medicine is required for this.
Neopeptine drops will help the gas problem of the child.
It can be given 6 drops twice daily orally for 1 week to 10 days. If there is no excessive gas you can stop the drops.
Hope I have answered your query, if you have any clarification please let me know.
Wish your child good health.
Thank you for getting back.
Just pain in your breast at the start of feeding without any other problems like some discharge, ulcer, or any swelling are of little concern.
But look for any ulcer, crack in the skin, or any swelling.
Proper attachment of the child lips on the breast will prevent the pain from improper latching, so check for proper attachment.
If the pain is worsening consult your Gynecologist for examination and advise.
Hope I have answered your query and feel free to get back if you have any concerns.
Thank you for giving me opportunity to answer your queries.
Just having loose motions or vomitings is not a contraindication for vaccination.
Vaccination can be given in such mild illnesses.
Vaccination can be postponed if the child is having significant acute fever illness, because it is difficult to know the cause of fever in this instance.
Vaccination doesn't cause any deterioration in child health.
I don't think the vaccination is the cause of your child problem of vomitings.
Hope I have answered your query, if you have any clarification please let me know.
Thank you for getting back.
I do agree with your concern of his persistent vomitings leading to health effects on child like poor weight gain and other problems.
This type of persistent vomitings requires investigations to rule out any underlying pathological causes like intestinal obstruction and metabolic disorders apart from gastro esophageal reflux.
Idiopathic hypertrophic pyloric stenosis is a condition in which child will be healthy for first month of life, around the age of 4 to 6 weeks child develops persistent vomitings after each feed. After vomitings child becomes hungry and cries for feeds.
So I suggest you to rule out this condition after consulting and discussing with your pediatrician.
Ultrasound of the abdomen which is a simple and noninvasive investigation which will detect this problem.
Other causes of vomitings are metabolic disorders like inborn errors of metabolism, congenital adrenal hyperplasia which are rare causes.
That is the reason for my advise to consult the pediatrician for the examination of the child feeding pattern, and vomitings pattern, and to investigate with ultrasound abdomen followed by other blood investigations to rule out the metabolic causes.
And as he is having continuous vomitings at present, he needs some antiemetic drugs like domperidone to control them.
So my advise at present is to consult the pediatrician as early as possible for the assessment of the child hydration, to investigate for the pathological causes, and for the medication prescription for the vomitings.
Hope I have answered your query, if you have any clarification please let me know.
If you don't have any doubts you can close the discussion and I request you to kindly rate my answer to improve myself.
And I wish your child a speedy recovery and good health.
Thank you for getting back.
If metabolic problems ruled out by relevant blood and urine tests, and ultrasound abdomen is normal, the other problems looked for are gastroesophageal reflux, gastritis, and milk allergy.
You can discuss about your concerns of stomach infection with your pediatrician.
At present, the mainstay of treatment is to control the vomitings with medication, to maintain hydration and nutrition with intravenous fluids, and to investigate for the causes for persistent vomitinga and the definitive treatment.
Hope I have answered your query, if you have any clarification please let me know.