Infection Of The Bone In Ear Is Shown In MRI. Taking Iron Supplements. Suggest The Treatment?
Thank you for your query.
1. You probably have an ear infection including a 'mastoiditis' (inflammation or infection in the mastoid part of the temporal bone). This is very common. Is your hearing normal or decreased in the left ear?
2. You should get your ear examined as the state of the ear drum and the type of ear discharge will determine the exact treatment. In addition to antibiotics you will require anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, decongestant, mucolytic medications and steam inhalation. Ear drops may be added if the ear drum has ruptured (the type of ear discharge will change to a mucoid type). Ear drum ruptures are also common and routine treatment will help make the ear dry. After this episode heals, further treatment may be discusses along with a hearing test.
3. Healing may be judged by the decrease in symptoms and mastoid tenderness, if any. Repeat X-rays or a CT Scan may help. You may share the MRI images here.
4. Since bone has a poor blood supply, mastoiditis may take many weeks to settle. If there are recurrent attacks or if this persists, it may be necessary to check why only one side is involved.
5. Low iron (anemia) will delay healing and lower your immunity. This must be corrected.
I hope that I have answered your queries. If you have any further questions, I will be available to answer them.