Inhaled Cleaning Liquid, Headache, Lightheadedness, Blurred Vision. Permanent Side Effects?
I am not sure who should answer this but I was cleaning with 409 quite a bit yesterday and I am pretty sure I inhaled alot of it while cleaning. I tried my best not to as much as I could. When I went to bed though I could smell it even though it wasnt around me at all anymore and got a major headache and slightly lightheaded and my vision is slightly blurred now. I have heard that cleaning materials like this can cause brain damage and other damage to your body. Are these side effects permanent or will they go away eventually? If they will go away how long will it take? I also heard that it can stay in your tissues as well, is this true? My stomach is all messed up as well since then.
Thanks so much.
Welcome to XXXXXXX
It has been mentioned that it causes moderate eye irritation. and to avoid contact with eyes, skin. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling. Avoid contact with foods.
I advice you to hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes. Remove contact lenses if present; after first 5 minutes, then continue to rinse eye. If on skin or clothes; take off contaminated clothing. Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes.
Under normal consumer use conditions the likelihood of any adverse health effects are low, this has been mentioned. It's effect on brain has not been mentioned so it is less likely to harm your brain. Reports have associated blood and bone marrow damage with chronic exposure.
I advice you to follow the measures mentioned above and in case if it does not help i advice you to see physician. It will be better if you take the label of this cleaning agent with you when you visit physician.
Hope I have provided the information you needed.
Wish you good health. Take care.
Thanks for the advice I will definitely do that, I have already taken showers and washed my eyes out that way. What do you mean by chronic exposure so it can get in your blood just by inhaling it? Like just the one day I used it with multiple times is that alright or should I be worried now that it is in my blood now? Also, it didn't get on my clothing as far as I know and I just did something I shoudn't have I wore the same shirt again today only because I was going to be doing more cleaning not with the 409 though, just in general.
Also, I was outside walking and how much can car fumes get to you and get into your system? I tried to cover my nose as much as I could but it was pretty bad. There was a car that went past and it had fumes that smelled so bad and now just from that I am not feeling so good.
So the effects from both of these should go away?
Thanks so much.
Good to hear from you.
Chronic exposure means using this for years can in some persons it can cause blood and bone marrow damage.
Presently you need not to worry much, in your case it just an acute exposure i suppose based on the information that you have provided. You should be fine ina day or two.
I advice you to wash the cloths regularly before using it and to wash your hand properly after using the cleaning material.
Hope i have cleared your queries. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer.
Wish you good health.
Thanks for answering so quickly. I also forgot to ask one more thing about all of this what about things like perfume I heard that inhaling that one time can stimulate the brain and that is why I asked about it affecting the brain. So can the stuff from the 409 affected my brain somehow or the car fumes as well? I have not felt well since then and that is why I was asking I mean like headaches and lightheadedness still from it and just not feeling right? So I am guessing I should be alright in a day or two like you said and any affects it has on my brain should be gone by then right?
I am only asking because just like how certain smells affect your mood and so just wondering on how long it does affect your mood? I know I shouldnt have worn the shirt again and didn't think about it until you mentioned it and until now?
Thanks so much once again.
Good to hear from you.
It is difficult to comment on how different smell will affect ones mood, as it depends on individual to individual.
I advice you not to think much, it just your anxiety. One exposure of cleaning agent is very unlikely to cause any effect on brain, if it would have that influence, it would have never come to market.
I advice you to calm down, do not think much, you are very fine.
Hope i have cleared your queries. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer.
Wish you good health.
Sorry to bother you one more time but it is not all my anxiety because I was fine until after I started cleaning and was I doing a little better from the 409 until after I got exposed to the car fumes yesterday. The car fumes seems to be getting me more than the 409 now. I can't think straight anymore and cannot remember stuff and it just happened all of a sudden. I did read that it can affect you just one single dose and I haven't felt the same since. That is what I don't understand that's all. I thought it is the same as paint because inhaling paint can affect you one time permanently can't it?
Thanks so much.
Good to hear from you.
Vehicles emit carbon monoxide which is an extremely XXXXXXX and lethal gas. Even small exposures can cause dizziness, headache, nausea and other symptoms, but i think you your exposure while walking on the street will be of low concentration and for a while, you should be fine.
I have searched the side effect profile of cleaning material, it does not mention any serious effect on acute exposure as that of yours.
Hope i have cleared your queries. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer.
Wish you good health.
Sorry to keep bothering you but I just have a few more questions to ask you if that is alright. If I did inhale some carbon monoxide then how long will the affects last?
I just don't understand on how I don't feel so good after these exposures when before I was fine. It has to be them because I how all of a sudden do I just feel this way? I am still not feeling so great and that is why I am wondering on how long these effects will last? I certainly did not feel this way before the exposures. I feel my mood has changed and I just can't remember things anymore like I used to.
Thanks so much.
Good to hear from you.
You should be good in 2 to 3 days. I advice you to calm down, relax, your are very anxious. The best advice that i can give you see don't think much try to calm your self. Symptoms will reduce in 2 to 3 days.
It is mostly your subjective feeling, in any case it will be better to see physician for examination, after examination even you will feel relaxed.
Hope i have cleared your queries. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer.
Wish you good health.
I know I am anxious it is because of the way I am feeling from these exposures. I wasn't anxious like this beforehand though. I just do not understand on how I am feeling this way and I can't seem to get back to where I was before all of this, that's all. So all of this will go away then eventually as you say? I just want to confirm one more time as I don't know how this could affect me so much.
Thanks so much.
Good to hear from you.
I advice you to calm down and relax, your symptoms will reduce. Fast of all stop thinking that something is wrong with you. It is your anxiety and curiosity that is responsible. You will be good.
Hope i have cleared your queries. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer.
Wish you good health.