Instances Of Sudden Painless Double Vision
Transient double vision requires evaluation
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Health Care Magic
It seems from the history that you are having double vision which is sudden in onset, painless and lasting only for 1-2 minutes.
As the double vision disappears after closing one eye it is binocular double vision which is present only with both the eyes open.
The causes need to be considered for transient double vision are
Transient ischemic attack
Prodromal symptoms of migraine
Myasthenia gravis
As a part of prodromal symptoms of Giant cell arteritis
Considering your elderly age I would like to rule out transient ischemic attack and Giant cell arteritis first. Since you have given history of colon cancer you need to be evaluated by neurologist by further investigations like Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, CT scan or MRI scan .
Hence I advice you to consult neurologist or neuroophthalmologist for further evaluation.
Hope I have answered your query.
Thank you