Is A1C Level Of 5.6 Percent A Cause For Concern?
Detailed Answer:
It is extremely unlikely you have diabetes. The A1c test you took is normal. Although the test is not perfect and can have limitations in certain situations, it is still quite reliable in the vast majority of people. However it would not hurt to check again using the meter you have purchased. I understand you are fasting so a reading can be taken now. Please note that blood glucose readings obtained using a monitor are not 100% accurate but they do give a fair idea as to broadly where your glucoses are. The symptoms you are experiencing do suggest some signs of diabetes but they can occur in other conditions too. So once diabetes ('mellitus') is effectively ruled out, you can explore other possible causes for these symptoms with yiur doctor who will need to examine you thoroughly in-person, before determining what further tests are necessary. When I see a patient like you in my practice , I order the following tests in addition to a comprehensive physical examination: CBC, electrolytes, calcium, kidney function tests, liver function tests, TSH.