Is NAN Optipro Formula Safe For A 7 Week Old Infant?
Change formula
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query.
Your baby is most probably experiencing the side effects of fish oil in formula. Fish oil has omega 3, 6, 9 (DHA, ARA, etc) that can cause gastrointestinal side effects like diarhea, pain abdomen and even bleeding from abdomen. It was promoted as good for eyes and brain, thus it got incorporated into infant formulas. But I personally feel that it is unnecessary for normal babies and in fact may cause more harm than good.
I will advise that you look for a formula without fish oil or flaxseed oil or any other supplement that has been added to promote immunity etc. Give your baby as natural a formula as possible.
Make the formula in cleaner drinking water that has been boiled or filtered by reverse osmosis. Breast milk is best. Babies symptoms will improve once the formula is changed.
Hope it helps.
Dr Vaishalee