Is A Gastric Bypass Surgery Different From A Bariatric Surgery?
gastric by pass is a type of bariatric surgery only.
Detailed Answer:
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Have gone through your question dear.
There are three main bariatric surgery procedures that are widely used. These are gastric bypass, gastric banding and sleeve gastrectomy. Gastric bypass is the most commonly used bariatric procedure.So as explained above gastric bypass is a type of bariatric surgery only.So kindly repost your question again i.e Is gystricby pass surgry better then bytricsurgry.
gastric sleeve surgery is as safe if not safer than the other primary surgeries approved for morbid obesity. Complications can happen at different points during and after your procedure.
Bleeding and altered bowel functions are the most common side effect of this surgery however in some patients dumping syndrome occurs.Dumping syndrome is a condition where ingested foods pass through the stomach very rapidly and enter the small intestine largely undigested..
Kindly repost your first question again.