Question: Hi,
I am 37 yrs old male.
Around 4 months back I suffered from cough, wheezing alongwith fever.After few days of
over the counter medication when I did not get relief, I got myself admitted in Hospital.
Sharing below are some report findings -
CT Chest - "Branching nodular oopacities scatterd in both lung with perihilar bronchiectasis.This imaging features suggest bronchiolitis." Rest of the report is normal.
RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTION PROFILE - Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1.1gM : Weak Positive, rest of the report was NEGATIVE.
CULTURE & SENSITIVITY, AEROBIC(Specimen - Sputum) - Gram positive cocci seen, Pus cell ->25/lpf
Epithelial Cells -<10/lpf.
Culture Report -
Streptococcus viridans grown in culutre.
SPIROMETRY - Normal FEV1/FEC ratio however FEF 25-75 is reduced(57% pred) suggestive of diminished flow in small airways. Rest of the report was normal.
DOCTOR DIAGNOSIS before these test - Acute Exacerbation of COPD since I have a smoking history.
Later after 3 months, again old symptoms started showing up but this time there was no cough or breathless symptoms. This time I suffered from high fever,
severe sore throat and right eye redness & congestion. Following were the test reports -
Radiograph Chest PA View( before medication) - Small area of soft tissue infiltration in the left para-cardiac region, suggestive of early consolidation. Rest of the report was normal.
Radiograph Chest PA View( during hospitalization after 6 days) - Few fibrotic bands are seen in left mid zone. No obvious active lung lesion is seen. Rest of the report was normal.
HRCT Chest - Subsegmental collapse consolidation is noted in the lingular lobe with ground-glass opacity in the apico-posterior segment of left upper lobe. No other pleuro-parenchymal lesion seen.
Doctor first suspected Swine Flu which was negative on test.
Throat Swab test Report - Left midzone Pseudomonas Pneumonia.
For the above I am on following medication since 4th Mar'2014 -
1) CLARIBID 500 mg
2) LEVOFLOX 750mg
The current doctors are ruling out COPD. I am in a fix what exact is the issue with my health and whether current medication is alright. I don't feel breathless as I do atleast 8-10 km brisk walk daily. Have left smoking from past 4 months. Pls advice.