Is Allegra For Allergies Safe To Take Daily?
Yes, it is safe!
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thank you so much for this query.
I am so sorry to hear about these seasonal allergies. What is it exactly that turns on your allergies during this time? It would be better to start by controlling this factor(s) and only use drugs should these measures fail.
It is safe to use this drug with BPH (Benign prostate hypertrophy). There is no contra indication to this or a side effect that would be more pronounced as a result of using this medication. Feel free to use it as directed by your physician or pharmacist.
In all, it is safe. I will also like you to control the seasonal factors that causes this allergy in addition to regular treatment with an anti allergy like allergra.
I hope this helps. I wish you well and thank you so much for using our services. feel free to ask for more information and clarifications should need arise.