Is An ALT Level Of 51 A Cause For Concern?
Please see my lab report.
Lab values are normal.
Detailed Answer:
Hi dear.
Thanks for posting query at HCM.
I went through you lab results attached to your query.
All lab values from liver enzymes to serum electrolytes are "Normal". There is nothing to worry.
Though ALT is slightly high but its considered normal. Usually ALT or AST values higher than "two times the upper normal limit", is considered abnormal ( in some countries, ALT or AST values of more than 100 are considered abnormal).
So you need not worry.
Secondly, your BMI (body mass index) is 29.86
Your advised to loose weight and follow the diet plan prescribed by your treating physician/ Dietitian.
Though your not considered hypertensive, as per now, but its recommended to Monitor your blood pressure. Slightly high systolic BP may be attributed to your increased BMI.
Hope to answer your concern.
Any further questions are welcomed.
Wish you good and sound health.
Dr Tayyab Malik
Itching is NOT related to a liver disease
Detailed Answer:
thanks for getting back to me.
itching alone usually does NOT represent a serious underlying disease.
itching maybe associated with high bilirubin levels with or without high AST/ALT levels.
high "bilirubin" levels ( termed Jaundice) due to any underlying cause, may cause itching, yellow sclera and yellow skin. However, in your case, "bilirubin levels are within normal range". Therefore, no need to worry at all.
if itching is bothersome ( with or without a rash) and being experienced since a considerable time, you may consult your treating physician/ dermatologist.
its my pleasure to be of help.
further queries are welcomed.
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thank you.
wish you good and sound health.
Dr Tayyab Malik
as per your lab results and imaging studies, all is NORMAL
Detailed Answer:
its my pleasure to clear your doubts.
yes, you understood quite well. ALT value 51 is considered normal.
Value of AST or ALT greater than 85 or above maybe investigated further.
moreover, in your blood results, all other liver enzymes and lab values came out normal.
therefre, as per your current lab values and imaging , nothing to be worried about.
wish you good and sound health.
Dr Tyab Malik
"merely ALT 51" maybe considered a normal variant in USA
Detailed Answer:
its a pleasure to clear your doubts.
surely, as per your current presentation, a merely increase of ALT 51 should NOT be concerning even in USA, as its not associated with any physical symptom OR other liver enzymes ( elevation).
The slight increase in ALT lab value maybe a normal variant OR maybe due to your increase BMI.
as a whole, you should just focus on decreasing weight.
Monitor your lipid profile, liver enzymes every 6 months to one year.
Monitor blood pressure weekly.
further queries are welcomed.
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thank you.
wish you good and sound health.
Dr Tayyab Malik
Tumor in liver is ruled out in current scenario.
Detailed Answer:
hi dear.
pleasure to clear your doubts.
be sure, that there is "NO" tumor in the liver. All imaging studies are normal and all lab values are considered normal too.
therefore, stay relaxed and enjoy good and sound health, FREE of stress.
hope to answer your concerns.
if no further queries, kindly close dialogue box and rate the answer.
thank you.
Dr Tayyab Malik
kindly read detailed answer below
Detailed Answer:
It's a pleasure to be of help.
Bile is produced by Liver , Stored in gall bladder and secreted into small intestine when required by the body , particularly during fat digestion.
HIDA scan ( hepatobiliary iminodiacetic acid scan) is a nuclear scan that tracks the flow of bile from liver to the small intestine, and also helps in the evaluation of gallbladder anatomy.
So, if the report says it's all normal, it means from liver to biliary tree to the gall bladder, there is NO blockage or abnormality, it's NORMAL.
Therefore, just stay relaxed and enjoy good and sound health.
Hope to answer your concern.
If no further queries, then please close dialogue box and rate the answer.
Thank you.
Dr Tayyab Malik