Is Angiogram Advisable When Diagnosed With Ischemic Heart Disease?
Angiogram is the much better option
Detailed Answer:
Hello and Welcome
I appreciate your concern
If the EKG and stress test showed ischemic changes or if the EKG showed ischemic changes but the ETT / stress echo was inconclusive or could not be done then an angiogram should be done to look for the vessels involved based on which either angioplasty or bypass surgery can be offered. A CT scan would not be useful in identifying any blocked coronaries. You may discuss this with your cardiologist to take a more informed decision.
Wishing you best of health
Please consult your doctor before deciding on any further course of action.
For future follow up / correspondence you may ask me directly at the link given below
Dr. M.S. Khalil
Detailed Answer:
Based on the stress echo , an angiogram is indicated. One needs to know the extent of coronary vessel blockade and involvement. I would agree with your doctor. However to be more certain you can get a clinical appointment with another cardiologist to have another opinion about it. If both agree then it would be wise to go through with it. Ultimately, its your decision.
Wishing you best of health