Is Blood Beta-hCG Level Of 228 MIU/ml Normal?
We have done a home pregancy test on tuesday i.e 01st XXXXXXX and the results were positive.Further to which my wife has taken a beta HCG Test yesterday and the result has come as 228.4 mlU/ml.
Her LMP date was 05th May 2016 and her cycle is of 28 days.
Could you confirm the normal values for beta HCG at 4 weeks.What should be the future course of action from our end?
Regards, XXXXXXX
Normal level. Consult with gynecologist for TVS scan.
Detailed Answer:
Hello Dear,
Thanks for writing to us. Followings are my comments:
1) According to her last period date, she is currently 4 weeks 1 day pregnant and normal beta-hCG value is 5 to 426 mIU/ ml at this stage.
Blood beta-hCG test result at 228 mIU/ml is quite NORMAL. It is confirmatory test for successful pregnancy.
2) She needs to start prenatal vitamin and Folic acid supplements at the earliest for better development of fetal nervous system. It should be continued till 14 to 16 weeks. Some other medicines may be required.
You should visit to your gynecologist for complete prescription and Trans Vaginal Ultrasound scan (TVS). It will confirm location of pregnancy.
Hope, I have answered your query. Wish your good health and take care.
For future query, you can directly approach me through
Thanks for the detailed answer.
We have done a follow up beta HCG test today and the number is 702 mlU/ml. Is this on the right track?
Normal rising pattern. Do one TVS scan around 6th week.
Detailed Answer:
Hello Dear,
Thanks for follow up query.
Yes, blood beta-hCG value and rising pattern are absolutely perfect. You should undergo one TVS scan around 6th week for localization of gestational sac and checking for fetal heart beat. It will confirm a healthy pregnancy.
Hope, it helps for your information. Good luck and take care.
Thanks for your detailed answer.
Our Gynecologist here has advised my wife to inject Pubergen (5000 units) today to increase beta HCG levels. Is this required at this stage when HCG level as of yesterday is 702 mlU/ml? Also, learnt that injecting HCG during pregnancy may have some complications, Is this correct?
Could you kindly advise.
No need of pubergen. Consult with your treating doctor.
Detailed Answer:
Hello Dear,
Thanks for follow up query.
1) If there is NO problem or complication in the current pregnancy, there is NO justification to administer PUBERGEN injection (HCG).
It is usually given in infertility, habitual abortion, corpus luteum insufficiency etc. Once conception occurs, there is NO need of PUBERGEN.
2) It is a pregnancy category "X" drug and it means Animal or human studies have shown fetal abnormalities or toxicity and the risk outweighs the benefits.I suggest you to consult with your treating doctor regarding this.
Hope, it helps for your information. Good luck and take care.