Is Conception Possible At The Age Of 39 Years?
I am becoming obsessed that I will be infertile for conceiving because of my age.
I have been sexually active for 12 years never used contraception but also never had regular sex it could be like 2 or 3 times in a full year. Same partner my husband. He does have a child.
I just feel I will never get pregnant as never been caught before.
My GP says I should be fine and to stop worrying hence won't refer me for any kind of testing.
I do have regular periods and fertility monitor does show ovulation but we have never really used the monitor to conceive it was more to ease my mind that I do ovulate.
Can I get pregnant naturally and if so how do I stop all this worrying?
Many thanks for a prompt answer.
you should use ovulation kits to time ovulation.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for contacting HCM.
The best way to ensure that you have been ovulating is to opt for use of OVULATION KITS OR LH SURGE KITS which are available OTC. It is a urine based test which has to be used from day 11 of your regular cycles daily till it comes positive i.e shows two lines on the kit. The day it comes positive indicates that lh surge has occurred and you should be ovulating in ext 36 hrs, so accordingly you can plan timed intercourse with you husband and plan for conception.
If you are ovulating then you can become pregnant provided husband's semen analysis is normal.
Age per se is not a factor of infertility unless menstrual disturbances have occurred but the chances of congenital anomalies and down's syndrome in baby increase by 10-20 per cent in the fetuses, but that is not always the case. So, you may try the same and keep me informed .
You may discuss if any issue is troubling you or you face any problem during the protocol,
yes you can use it
Detailed Answer:
Yes, clearblue fertility monitor is a good way of testing and timing your fertile days and performing timed intercourse. you may use it ,
transvaginal ultrasound follicular monitoring for confirmation
Detailed Answer:
Clear blue test is based on hormone levels . For confirmation of ovulation you have to undergo transvaginal ultrasound for follicle monitoring from day 11 to day 17 on alternate days and there would be no clearer and better scientific proof to confirm or negate that you ovulate.
follicular monitoring by USG
Detailed Answer:
Actually fertility monitor just measures the hormones and not ovulation .ovulation can be confirmed only by follicular monitoring and following the cycle ultrasonologically.