Is Ductography The Right Procedure To Examine Breasts?
No anesthesia generally.
Detailed Answer:
I guess you addressed the query to me, though I just picked it up from the general thread !
If you wish to write in directly to me, you can use the direct link -
Good to hear from you by the way, and I am glad that the mammogram and scan came out normal.
That significantly reduces the chances of a florid malignancy being there.
Does the discharge still continue ?
TO address your queries -
1. Yes a ductogram ( galactogram ) and excision ( if indicated ) is the next logical and most probable step.
2. There is typically no anesthesia used as it is not painful.
3. I am giving you a link for a site that will help you with understanding the procedure -
Please go through it, and let me know if it helped you.
I would be glad to address any follow up queries.
Wish you luck.
Take care.