Is Excessive Shaking Of Hands A Side Effect Of Stopping Parkitidin Tablet?
Possibilty of drug related (stoppage of parkitidine) effect
Detailed Answer:
I have gone through your question and understand your concerns.
Parkinson's disease is progressive disorder . The response to drug decraeses with time and side effects increases. Elderly patients with multiple drug intake are prone for metabolic derangement.
Hyponatremia may be cause of worsening in sensorium and weakness but tremors and tone is abnormal due to decreased medication.
If sodium is normal and other parameters are ok then again parkitidine may be added or dose of syncapone may be increased. Also proper follow up with neurologist is required for drug related side effects.
HOpe you found the answer helpful .
Dr Neeraj Kumar
I will consult my Neurologist to talk about increasing dosage but in the meantime, I do have the following question
1) How long does it typically takes for the muscles to fully recover for regaining sodium?
2) Is Vinq 10 mg good alternative for Parkiditine?
3) Can I give natural protein enriched nuts like Almond, Cashew etc in minimal quality?
Thanks again
Vin Q 10 is an antioxidant capsule
Detailed Answer:
Muscle strength and consciousness recovery may take 1-2 weeks.
Vin Q 10 is an antioxidant capsule and is not a replacement of parkitidine. It has some neuro protective effect.
You can give such natural dry fruits but not with syncapone. There should be gap of 1 hour between syncapone intake and any food item.
Uncontrolled tremors are hard to control.
Surgical options are also there at some movement disorder centers helping in controlling the symptoms and drug doses.
Hope you found the answer satisfactory.
Just to summarize: Here are his current medication
Syndopa 110mg (1-0-1)
Vinq 10 (1-0-0)
Gabantin 100 (0-0-1)
Ropark Xl (1-0-0)
Telma 40 (1-0-0)
Thanks again
1) Requested to increase synod 11mg from 1-0-1 to 1-1-1
2) Added Amantrel 100 mg 1-0-0
3) Restil 0.5 for sleeping.
Second opinion by you would be much appreciated.
Detailed answer below
Detailed Answer:
Treatment advised is good. The dose increase in parkinson's disease is usually gradual as many patients starts having side effects.
Dose increase is done untill patient is able to do most of his routine activities without any much difficulty.
The target of treatment is not to try to completely improve the symptoms.
Syndopa dose may be increased later on and also substituted with 100+25 combination. If needed Controlled release formulation may be advised later on if symptoms of early morning stiffness is present.
Syndopa should not be taken with any eatables for good absorption.
Amantadine and rasagiline are also drugs indicated for parkinson.
Hope you found the answer helpful.
Dr Neeraj Kumar