Is Globulin Level In Blood Of 1.8 G/l Normal?
may not mean a significant condition,blood tests can check individual level
Detailed Answer:
HI, thanks for using healthcare magic
The major protein in the body is albumin. There are different types of globulins, called - alpha 1, alpha2, beta globulin and gamma globulin.
The normal levels of globulins can vary slightly from one lab to the next and there are ranges for the different types as well.
The normal range for your lab is not stated.
According to at least one lab, the normal range of globulins is approx 1.9 to 3.7.
A decrease in globulin would cause an increase in the albumin/globulin ratio. Your decrease is slight, if this range is used and is not likely related to a significant condition.
Significant decreased levels can occur in malnutrition, liver disease, hemolysis (blood breaking down), kidney disease.
If you wish to determine if one of the globulins is low, you can have a serum protein electrophoresis test done.
This is a blood test that would be able to look at the different globulins individually to see if any of the levels are low.
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions