Is Huffing Dust During Pregnancy Safe?
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Thanks for writing to us with your health concern.
I am sorry , but my answer is not meant to make you panic, only make you cautious.
Huffing IS dangerous during pregnancy, during any stage of pregnancy, right from the first few weeks until the end of term.
It mostly affects the fetal brain.
The spectrum of effects can include - miscarriage, preterm labour, maldevelopment of fetal brain, behavioral changes in the baby etc.
The risk depends on the frequency and severity of exposure and on the type of chemicals.
Air dusters are not just pressurized air, but often contain toxic chemicals which , upon inhalation by the mother, pass into the bloodstream of the baby.
Please let me know the details of the chemical composition of the product you used, how frequently, and how intensely.
Also, is it a habit that you have always had, so are likely to fall into again ?
Did you pass out or were close to it during the episodes ?
Please understand that the information is only meant to make your pregnancy better, and not to get you worked up and agitated.
Am sharing a few links which I would request you to go through, before you respond -
Take care.
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Do you have the product lying around ?
Can you read off the composition ( chemical ) and tell me ?
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As you must have read, apart from innocuous sounding ' pressurized air ', there are a host of chemicals contained, which when passed into the fetal bloodstream, can lead to a vast array of effects, that I listed earlier.
There is a very strong reason for you to stay away from this, and avoid damaging your baby further.
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See, you are having no ominous symptoms, so am ruling out a miscarriage, or preterm labour, which is most risky.
Next, the chemicals can affect overall bodily growth of the fetus and brain damage.
If serial checkups with your doctor and growth scans are fine, to a great extent you can be assured that no harm has yet been luckily done.
Also, regarding the effects on the fetal brain, they range from subtle behavioural changes to overt brain development defects.
Gross abnormalities would be picked up on scanning, but mild ones would only be apparent after birth.
It could also have caused changes in the placental perfusion ( blood supply to the baby ).
You would do well to take adequate folic acid until term ( 5 mg per day ) and also eat healthy and refrain from any other insult to the baby henceforth.
Please take care, and wish you luck.
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Yes, I could not have put it in better words.
Do not stretch your luck one more time, that is all.
Wish you a great pregnancy and motherhood .
Take care.