Is It Possible To Cure Age-related Macular Degeneration? Almost Blind
I don't sure when his problem was start ,but his vision was bad when he was a teenager but in that time his vision was just blur. But he told me that his vision is becoming more and more "dark". and nowadays he told me that he almost cannot see anything.
Thank you very much for your attention
thanks for referring your query to us.
I am very sure that your father had got himself checked up properly and there is no doubt about the diagnosis.Ideally this is not the way ARMD behaves.
The onset is too early. That is not when ARMD starts.
Patients are not supposed to loose full vision.To understand this you have to have some idea of the disease.It is the central area which is involved,with the end result of scarring,whereby patient is not able to see in front but the peripheral vision is quiet good,this is not happening with your father.
I would like to have your father reassessed.Have his fundus examination done and flourocine angiography performed After having this examination done we will know exactly where do we stand.
Please do get back to meif needed.
Thank you for your answer. I will take my father to examination soon.
After I got the result, I will sent them to you.
Please do have a proper examination and if needed please do get back to me