Is It Possible To Wean Off Ability Without Any Side Effects?
You can go cold turkey
Detailed Answer:
Hello Madam,
Thanks for writing to us.
Abilify is an atypical antipsychotic medicine with the least side effects among various antipsychotic medicines.There is difference between seroquel and abilify. As well as your brother in law may have some different serious psychiatric problem. Seroquel may not be directly responsible for his suicide.
If you have taken decision to stop abilify 5 mg, you can stop it cold turkey. 1 week intake and 5 mg dose are not significant to cause any problem on stopping abilify cold turkey.You can stop it directly, no need to taper off.
I request you to inform your decision to your treating doctor also.
Hope I have answered your query, I will be happy to help further.
Dr.Chintan Solanki.