Question: Good evening,
I am trying to figure out if I have allergies or
non allergic rhinitis....I am 27 years old, male....I have always sneezed a few times a day, and when I do it is 3 times in a row each time. My Mucus is always clear. My nose is always itchy. It is never really runny, but it always feels dry and stuffy. I have a nasal crease line across my nose since I was a kid. My eyes sometimes itch. For the most part, I can't figure out if I am allergic to something or what it would be. I sneeze like that every day all year (maybe a bit more in like September when it is hot and extremely dry)...I never get or feel sick, never fatigued. I do not have
asthma, and it is not too mom, sister, aunt, cousins, and nephews all have allergies, but my cat does NOT make me sneeze or react. When I take over the counter anithistamines, my
sneezing and stuffiness stop. The eye doctor told me I have
dry eyes. Is this mild allergies or non allergic rhinitis issues?