Brief Answer:
When symtoms don't relate with common diagosis
Detailed Answer:
laryngopharyngeal reflux) is an entity which is due to retrograde flow of gastric contents to the lower part of throat.
It is important to rule out the possibility of LPR when the symptoms like cough, recurrent
sore throat,
post nasal drip, globus sensation, dysphagia,
odynophagia and chronic hawking sensation in throat are troubling a patient and these symptoms can not be attributed to other cause which have been ruled out by clinical examination and investigations especially when these symptoms occur but there is no heart burn sensation.
The diagnosis can be suggested on
laryngoscopy findings of congestion of laryngeal inlet mucosa, edema or chronically inflamed picture in the lower throat (laryngopharynx). Measuring of pH by small catheter passed through nose into the throat and esophagus is one of the diagnostic methods by measuring pharyngeal exposure to acid.
The cause is usually lax sphincters at the upper and lower end of esophagus which result if acid exposure of the lower throat. The strained muscle per se can not be a cause of LPR but analgesics taken for that strained muscle and be a contributing factor for this.
Please avoid NSAIDs, use
proton pump inhibitors,
sucralfate and pro kinetics in consultation with your doctor. Stopping smoking (if doing), losing weight and decreasing the stomach content volume before lying down do help in decreasing symptoms.
Hope this helps.
Take care,