Is Memory Loss While Having Extremely Low Blood Pressure Temporary Or Permanent?
Memory loss can be permanent but can be controlled by cognitive exercises
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing in to us.
I have read through your query in detail.
Please find my observations below.
1. At your age, the brain undergoes few degenerative changes which is expected with advancing age. The brain sort of mildly shrinks and there is prominence in the surface markings.
2. Memory is a complete higher mental function which is part of the cognitive system. It will help to know the details of your illness and any brain scan findings which have been recently done. This will tell if there are any particular changes in your brain which are prone to dementia and loss of memory.
3. If you have any brain changes due to decreased blood supply from low blood pressure then this can cause a progressive permanent loss of memory.
4. Memory is a function which can be strengthened by doing cognitive exercises. Therefore even if you feel that there is some memory loss, it can be slowed down by doing active mental exercises.
5. In conclusion, memory loss from deficient blood supply to the brain from low blood pressure can result in permanent loss of memory. However you can try and preserve memories by doing cognitive exercises.
Hope your query is answered.
Please do write back if you have any doubts.
I feel these activities keep me alert and I hope because of them my memory may improve, what do you think?
You will surely make a quick recovery
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing back with an update.
1. I am happy to know that you are a psychotherapist and involve yourself in a lot of creative activities like writing poems. I would love to read your poetry once it gets published!
2. Painting with a brush also enhances memory functions and helps many people recover from illnesses which affect their memory.
3. Being a psychotherapist, you are yourself aware of the many cognitive exercises like maintaining a diary and write down important memories and refresh through it regularly and this way you can remember old memories.
Hope your query is answered.
Please do write back if you have any doubts.