Is Negative STD Test After 4 Weeks Of Sexual Encounter Conclusive?
I had spent 2.5 days with a sex worker where she stayed with me and was close most of the time. I only had protected sex with her.
First day she smelled really wiered. It was not very bad and disgusting odor but it was bad and wierd. It is really hard for me to descibe the odor. I thought may it is just like that but next day also her body odor was exactly same even after bathing. Initially I thought it was her hair but later I was sure it was her body.
Now after 4 weeks later I started to get the same body odor as she was. It is not as high as she was having but very mild but I can smell it sometimes not everytime and can rexognize as the smell is something which is hard to forget and smell like this was first time for me.
After 4 weeks I have also done basic STD tests for my other concerns as well and all showed negative result.
Do you think there is some disease which can cause this body oder that I may have caught. I may be mistaken but I really do feel and recognize the same body oder as I never had this body odor before and its really wierd and bad. But its really mild now that always confuses me. If you think there can be anything like this please let me know and what can I do now?
Minor infection with weird smell, easy to handle
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to the website!
I am Dr XXXXXXX XXXXXXX and have been dealing with sexually transmitted diseases for close to three decades.
I have noted your concerns.
I have treated patients with complaints similar to yours with success.
Three is a type of bacteria which belong to the class Diphtheroids that can cause a peculiar offensive odor in the infected person. Generally the infection is mild and tends to get better sometimes even without treatment.
1 To most of my patients, I advised to take care of their skin and hair hygiene and remove all hairs in the armpits and genital areas.
2 The results of local application of Clindamycin, an antibacterial substance, and oral use of erythromycin were excellent.
3 To some patients I also advised washing the area with Ammonium Chloride solution which helped in keeping the infection from coming back apart from early recovery from the current smelly infection.
I would advise you to pay maximum attention to personal hygiene and also take care that your partner is symptom free
I am sure your problem will resolve quickly and you will have great health.
Best wishes from our team!