Is Penis Length Genetically Determined?

I have the following complex questions-
What are the main factors that contribute most in body building beside Genetic? Do you think good Diet and good training program change the body completely if that person is genetically very thin?
How much Genetic effect the muscle size gaining, here I am talking about the serious gain of muscle?
Genetic Effect on Penis Size: What are the genes and hormones responsible for the penis size, testicle size and how much we inherit them from biological parents?
What percentage of genes and hormones play determinate factors for final penis size?
Why do doctors tend to avoid the Genetically related questions about on penis size and say there is nothing much can be done?
What are the genes that are responsible for final height and figures size of a human?
Why can we not do much on Genetics related issues?
I have a Genetically related issue my testicle is very small and it is not able to produce enough testosterone which my body needs.What is the best way to deal with this problem to increase the size of the testicle?
De novo mutations affect the genetics of penis size
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for asking on HealthcareMagic.
Apart from genetic factors proper weight training and exercise backed by a suitable protein rich diet can help in building of muscle mass. However, this should only be done under proper guidance from a trained instructor. 'Complete transformation' is something rather drastic but a reasonable transformation can indeed be obtained with proper interventions.
The role of genetics in muscle mass gaining is rather indirect. Unless you have a specific myopathy (genetic problem related to muscle) your overall genetic build up should not be an impediment to muscle mass gain from weight training.
There is no one single gene for penis size. It is influenced by a gene located in the X chromosome that codes for androgen receptor (comes from mother). Genes on Y chromosome also have a role to play. Same about testicle size. Testosterone and androgens are hormones that have a role to play. We inherit the genes but the interplay of genes is not something very precise. Additionally, humans have about 200 genes that scientists call “de novo mutated,” meaning that they’re ever-so-slightly different than the genes you got from your parents. This is very important in relation to your penis size. There is nothing like 'percentage of genes and hormones' that play determinate role in final penis size. As I mentioned, although affected by genetics, it is rather multifactorial. Doctors might avoid genetics related questions pertaining to penis size since it is multifactorial and therefore hard to point to a specific locus and since de-novo mutation is involved. Besides, environmental factors (while growing up) have an indirect role to play. Exposure to certain environmental estrogens or contaminants at onset of puberty can be associated with shorter penises. Chemicals called endocrine disruptors, which can be found in pesticides, plastics and some cosmetics, among other everyday things, can have a role to play. Malnutrition, in utero and during the first few formative years of life, can also affect the penis size. We cannot act step by step to modify them. Hence we cannot do much on genetics related issues.
Like penis size, human height also has a complex genetics. Hundreds of genetic variants in at least 180 loci associated with adult human height.
Let me know why you think that your body is unable to produce enough testosterone and I will guide you on the same.
Let me know if I could help further.

Many Thanks for answering my query!
I do think so that my unable to produce the right amount of testosterone due to a small testicular size having said that I am very much physically active though I stopped going Gym, I run 3km and doing 30 min brisk walking daily and takes protein rich home made food only.I never consume alcohol neither do I have any smoking habit, I go to bed at 11 AM regularly.
By doing all of these mentioned things still I do have very saggy and loose skin all over my body especially on chest part and lower abdomen region and I do think it is due to lower testosterone which is purely a genetic reason.Here Testosterone replacement therapy won't work.
I do think that the above-mentioned problem is only caused by unbalance of testosterone and Androgen hormone which is very much dependent on the receptor which is Genetically determined.
Though I don't have any problem in erection and me salo have morning erection and I do have 5.1 inches of penis size which marginally on the smaller side and it is due to bad Gene I would also blame On Genetic for a smaller size.
homeobox (Hox a and d) genes which may have a role in regulating penis size.In humans, the AR gene located on the X chromosome at Xq11-12 which may determine the penis size.
The SRY Gene located on Y chromosome will have a role to play. As we know X chromosome comes from mother side so penis small size and small testicular size is solely responsible bad gene inherited from the mother.
You have very vast experience in the field of Medicine, but I am very sorry to say are you trying to say that Genetic don't influence the muscle building process if someone takes the right amount of protein rich diet and under the strict guidance of trained trainer.?
I do think in Muscle Building genetic is a much determinant factor, Protein rich food(Diet) and good Training programme have to have a very negligible effect and no one can contradict that.
We are genetically pre-programmed it does great influence on the hormone, muscle, skin colour, face, height and all other things.
Get your testosterone level checked, unless you are an astrologer.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing back. I have a question for you. What is your level of #%^$%$& ? I hope that you are not conversant with '#%^$%$&'. Assume you knew that there was something called '#%^$%$&' and formed an opinion about it. Your opinion would hardly mattered in terms of the actual levels of '#%^$%$&' and whether even such a thing really exists. On similar lines, it would really help if you could undo your 'knowledge' about testosterone. You simply cannot take assumptions like that. If you really want, get the blood testosterone level checked. If normal, stop unnecessarily panicking. If not, stop bothering yourself.
The skin tone has nothing to do with testosterone. Consult a dermatologist. If he does not seem bothered, stop bothering yourself.
You think 5.1 inch penis is small? What is your definition of a big penis? Even if you were 8 feet tall you could well think that you are a dwarf. But does that change the reality?
Genetics do play a role in the muscle mass. But that does not mean that it is a limiting factor. You can still systematically work out and build your muscle mass. What you are saying is like saying that genetics affects academic grades. Genetics does affect intelligence. But hard with hard work one can score much better than peers who have higher intelligence. With your genetics you might need to work out harder to build your muscles.

Thanks for reverting me back!
What is the symbol stands for " #%^$%$&" which you have written on your previous query?
I am very sorry to say that your answer appeared to be offensive and deplorable. I don't want to disrespect you but the fact of the matter is you completely misunderstood my questions.
I have not written any relation between skin and testosterone, I have written only We are genetically pre-programmed it does influence on the hormone, muscle, skin colour, face, height and all other things, Here you read it incorrectly and exaggerated the issue.
Now coming to your second question "What is my definition of penis size" from study and research it has proven widely in XXXXXXX that the average penis size falls into the range in between 3.5 to 5.5 inch. So anything above 6 inches is considered to be a big penis.
You have mentioned, “What you are saying is like saying that genetics affects academic grades.” I do think it does Genetic affect the academic growth like it does influence the subject wise growth and performance, studies have shown that educational achievement is highly heritable, performance differences for all subjects are highly heritable. As you said, of course, one can improve his/her academic performance by hard work and score well.But we can't underestimate the Genetic contribution.
Coming to Genetic effect on muscle mass then of course one build muscle by taking right training and proper diet but the fact is our body is preprogrammed to hold that much of muscle what our gene dictate, beyond that we can’t add any extra muscle (Here you can take example of different bodybuilder worldwide and their muscle mass Genetically gifted body builder have to have a greater muscle mass density than their counterparts who are not Genetically gifted)
Like I said before Gene localized to the q11-q12 region of the human X chromosome provides instructions for making a protein called an Androgen Receptor(AR).Androgens are hormones (such as testosterone).Which is why Gene greatly affects the Testosterone level in the male.
Now coming to my query which is on testosterone if it found below the normal range then would the testosterone replacement therapy (oral, patch, injectable) really go for long? Are you trying to say if I get my serum testosterone evaluated and it is found on the lower side then, will I have to take the replacement therapy for life long? What is the solution for that?
Would you not mind to read my this query and previous query carefully and give a meaningful suggestion without being offensive and deplorable?
Testosterone deficiency will have other manifestations
Detailed Answer:
I am sorry if I seemed rude. But I find significant lacuna in the way you think.
The symbol " #%^$%$&" has no meaning. It is just a random string of characters. It was used to signify any random thing that you may not know about and it may or may not have any actual existence.
Thanks for citing the study. But I think you have misinterpreted the study. It also mentions that penile dimensions are found to be correlated with anthropometric parameters. As you have already mentioned, your muscle build is on the lower side. Your penile size was therefore supposed to be on a lower side. However, 5.1 inches seems reasonably high for your anthropometrics. Had you been 6 feet tall or higher, you could have expected a higher size. You can still get one vide phalloplasty.
Genetic contribution is definitely there in academics. Subject wise contribution is also there. You might be aware that there is something called dyscalculia wherein the individual has difficulties with mathematics. It is heritable. It is on one end of the spectrum. The other end would be a mathematical genius. There can be all intermediate stages in between. However, hard work and proper guidance can undo much of the downside that one may face genetically.
People take thyroxine (another hormone) supplementation all the time. It can be lifelong. How does that matter? In case of testosterone I am quite certain that investigation will reveal that you do not have a deficiency and that should clear your doubts. It is only if it is low (I do not think so) that you would need supplementation. Had it actually been low, there would have problems with your sexual development (a girl like look, female like genitalia [split], etc.) and you would have problems with erection. Since that is not the case you need not worry.
Let me know if you want to know anything more.

From the discussion we had, it seemed that you are clearly not giving any importance to the Genetic make-up. I have some more question to ask to you.
I have very thin and small figure like girls what to do you think what is the problem behind that?
My height is 5 feet and 7 inch, I do have a very saggy skin and subcutaneous fat on my stomach despite of having a good lifestyle and 30 min exercise. What do you think what would be the problem?
Since you are denial on so many things of Genetic contribution on Muscle Building, Penis Size, testicular size, fingers size and Height, do specify me what according to you are most contributions factors and how do you modify them.
I had asked you a question about testosterone and you denied that testosterone is related to genetic things. According to you what do you think which influence the testosterone level in adult human?
What to you going to say about my small fingers and thin fingers? I know you will say it is not being related to Genetics.
When we asked that size related questions to Doctors they are usually say it being genetically determined when we go deeper in to that then they try to exaggerate and escalate the topic try to relate it so many things and try to create a confusion among the people and think that only they know everything about human body.
What is your views on replacing faulty Gene with Gene Therapy?
Here I am only taking about Genetic not the non-sense things which Doctors are habitual of talking?
Phenotypic expression is not absolute. Genotype is.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing back. You possibly misunderstood me. Let me assure you that I consider the genetic makeup to be the foundation. There is no question of denial to this fact.
The answer to your questions abut your attributes is rather simple. The build and the other parameters are due to your genetic make up. I do not deny the fact. I just said that although the genotype (the genetic make up) is final and absolute, the phenotype (external expression) is not. It is based on various interventions like proper exercise regimens that the phenotypic expression can be improved.
The genotype of an individual (after development) cannot be changed even with gene therapy. Had it been a very simple genetic equation where you were unable to synthesize a particular protein things could have been different. But human knowledge has not yet reached the extent to make genetic editing available yet. I understand that doctors are talking non-sense. But believe me that they are talking what they know. Perhaps you would have to wait a few decades or may be a century for the advancement you are seeking. It is no use lamenting about the progress we currently have not achieved.

My sincere apology for the followings-
I am very sorry, but I highly disagree with you on certain facts your comments were not based on genetic studies and research.Having said that it's very vague and generic what has been taught typically in Biology class, I am very sorry about that.
what do you mean by saying "It is based on various interventions like proper exercise regimens that the phenotypic expression can be improved." I am not talking here about some negligible changes, I am talking here about something which is very drastic and huge like the professional body builder which can't be possible without Genetic support.
Now talking about Genetic effect and hormonal effect on muscle building are as follows:-
FOX 01
FOX 16
IGF 1 genes
MYOSIN gene.Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1),(IGF-2)
myostatin (MSTN)
a gene called PPAR-Delta
erythropoietin (EPO)
Hormones role:-Hormones dealing with muscle bulk include
Growth factor
Insulin like growth factor
Thyroid hormones
and a part of Pituitary based hormones, testosterone,dihydotestosterone.
So a thorough evaluation of hormones and Genetic profile which really proven to be beneficial in terms of Muscle Building.
Testosterone Replacement Therapy which you doctors are very much focusing is supposed to be negligible effect on Testicle size and Penis size.
Gene Therapy which I have mentioned wasn't meant for Adult what I was trying to say was in utero.
Why muscle building generally takes times answer this question with in terms of muscle morphology and studies and research not generic?
What is the success rate of Phalloplasty? When does it prescribe?
Why there is the significant difference in terms of the size of biological brothers?
From all the above discussion I came to a conclusion that I asked my question in a details manner and your answer was very short and minimal.
Phalloplasty has a high success rate
Detailed Answer:
Dearest XXXX
Please be informed that what you have learnt in biology class does not necessarily have the medical application you seek. Genetic engineering is a reality. But gene engineering in humans is still very limited in scope and development. Furthermore, do you want to create a new individual from the edited (better) genetic makeup that you aspire for? The same is unlikely to be applicable in modifying the genetic makeup of a live individual.
Anyway, muscle building definitely takes time. The muscle cells need to reorganize and hypertrophy in the process. This takes time.
Phalloplasty or Penile Reconstruction Surgery has a high success rate. You may like to go through:
I could not understand your query "When does it prescribe?"
I have already explained that de-novo mutations are responsible for the difference in penis sizes between biological brothers.

What were my questions? What were your answers?
I had asked and given details about The Genetics things but you have not been able to give satisfactory answers.
The success rate of Phalloplasty is very minimal and comes with an enormous amount of complications, I am not going details about that.
The muscle cells need to reorganize and hypertrophy in the process. This takes time is your answer, how ever there are several things playing a determinant factor, I have no interest in getting deeper into those process.
I have no interest left to ask any more questions to you, my final question is this how a testosterone Hormone is replaced my hormone level is very minimal(low)260ng/dl.
Oral or injectable forms of supplementation are available
Detailed Answer:
The normal range of testosterone levels in healthy adult males is between 280 to 1,100 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL). In your case it is on the lower side. Oral or injectable forms can be used for supplementation.

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