Is Smoking Safe While On Zithromax?
yes, there is very little problems
Detailed Answer:
Surprisingly there is very little research on drug interactions with illegal drugs. That being said, 1) there are few health effects of marijuana in which dosage matters. It has a wide range of safe doses. 2) neither drug is dangerous 3) antibiotics only work because they are not toxic to people.
There IS a likely interaction however. Zithromax gums up the liver and prevents it from being able to get rid of other chemicals as fast. It is temporary and not 100%--maybe a 50% reduction--in theory the worst that would happen is twice as much marijuana would accumulate. So consider using half as much.
The bigger interaction is not the interaction of the drugs. Many people take erythromycin for respiratory infections. Smoking ANYTHING during a respiratory infection is not a good idea. It isn't the marijuana; it's the smoking. 1 in 6 people have reactive lungs to smoked marijuana. It is higher and more of a problem if they have a respiratory infection.