Is Sulfasalazine Suggestible For Sacroiliitis?
You must trust your doctor.
Detailed Answer:
I have read your query.
I need to see your detailed description of your symptoms and your reports of MRI scan to be better able to help you. I also need your reports of HLA-B27, anti-CCP and X-ray of lumbrosacral spine, focusing sacroiliac joints-AP, lateral view.
Your doctor has diagnosed it as sacroilitis. If it is a correct diagnosis thenyour doctor has rightly prescribed you salfasalazine for sacroilitis. In such a case, with indomethacin you should take salfasalazine otherwise your pain will not relieved. Even if your pain gets relieved by only taking indomethacin, after a week or so your pain will again appear if you do not act on advise of your doctor.
Atlast I would like to say that you must have regular follow up.
Try to avoid weight lifting as much as you can.
Apply hot packs for 30 mins in morning and evening.
Do back strengthening exercises as uploaded on youtube.
I hope you have got your answer.