Is There Any Interaction Between Morphine And Gabapentin?
Not bad together.
Detailed Answer:
I am Dr Matt Wacksman, board eligible in addiction medicine.
Bottom line, they are likely to be safe together. Gabapenin does NOT have much effect on the respiratory centers nor heart. It may cause some drowsiness.
On searching The Entire Medical Literature for papers connecting morphine and gabapentin, most that connect the two are "Oh yeah, you don't need as much morphine for good pain control if you give gabapentin". They are very very often used together. Safely. And effectively. (generally with muscle relaxers). Do NOT overuse ANY of them. Overdoses, sometimes fatal have occurred with morphine and with muscle relaxers.
I should also mention, gabapentin rarely takes the pain away (but often lowers it... your type of pain, nerve pain, is one of the Better/more successful types). Morphine doesn't ever take the pain away, but nearly always makes it more bearable.
You can refer to the following article:
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