Thank You Dr. Gupta!
Both My parents were heavy tobacco smokers. When I was 13, my allergist tested me and found that I was allergic to tobacco. The four of us children never became smokers due to both parents
smoking. So from 18 years, I went to college and never lived with smokers. But from 13 -30 years I took
drixoral and other antihistamines/ drying agents for
sinusitis. Then my ear nose and throat MD convinced me to switch to Nasal saline and air filter (Hepa filter with negative ionizer) in my bedroom running 24 hrs/day and all problems went away.
But, in 1982 I went into hospital; on second or third day, I felt a sharp point under my tongue, I pressed nurse call button. but before an MD or nurse could get there my pressing with tongue and maybe pressure behind it pushed it out. Since MD or nurses did not see it come out they would not analyze it. After I got out The MD pressured me for surgery to removed Sailva glands. But, I did not want to risk
paralysis. I told him I would wait for it to happen again before I went there. I kept the stone and found it this morning.
I sold financial and patient care software systems to hospitals then and I had much experience talking with MDs. My two kidney stone were calcium
Oxalate stones; in 1984 I changed diet to avoid Oxalates. Increase water consumption and never had another kidney stone. I ate a lot less beef for last thirty years.
I will take this stone with me when I see my Emory Clinic MD next week. A biopsy is scheduled for next Thursday. I have
depression and I have been extra depressed. I am so relieved that Medical Surgery has advanced and there is new procedures. The swelling is behind right lower jaw and there are salivary glands there. I was with my nurse sister on Thanksgiving and she went through her databases found Salendoscopy and she helped me feel better. It has been painful for last few months. From your comment, this stone could be very old but has never bothered me til now. The chances are with Salendoscopy or some combination will work.
Thank You, thank you. I will take my stone and I think it will help them focus. We have done all testing for
swollen Lymph nodes in neck and I had none of those problems.
Sincerely, XXXX