Is Trans Fat Needed For Good Health?
Worst cholesterol ever
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for asking
I read your question and i understand your concern. Transfat is the worst cholesterol intake and bad cholesterol like this can lead to cardiac problems. This is mostly industrial product of hydrogenated oil and should be avoided.
In order to keep it to the minimum reduce the intake of this. Read the labels on the food and avoid the ones with trans fat in it. Baked foods, processed foods, fries, refrigerated dough , snacks, creamers and margarines etc are the rich sources of trans fat.
Always read your labels. IN us if trans fat is less than 0.5 gram they label it as zero so these small amounts can add up very quickly if you take multiple servings of the foods of 0.5 gm trans fat.
Talk to your nutritionist or dietitian and let them decide what is best for you and devise a complete dietary plan.
I hope it helps. take good care of yourself and don't forget to close the discussion please.
CHocolate is not wise
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for getitng back to me
Using chocolates too much is not wise and no they are not good for health. So please avoid them and the people who misguide you. Eat fresh and natural and healthy . it should not be a problem.
I hope it helps.