Itching And Pain In Vagina When Urinating, Taken ECP, Negative For HIV And Syphilis. Yeast Infection Or STD?
Thanks for the question.
This looks more like vaginitis. Possibility of STD is less likely.
Non-specific vaginitis occurs commonly in debilitated women, pill users, pregnancy and diabetics. Specific infections occur due to candida (fungus), trichomonas or bacteria. In your case it can be either bacterial or fungal vaginitis. Poor hygiene predisposes to such infections.
Lactobacilli (Myconip, vaginal tab) is used to restore vaginal acidity and thus reduce bacterial growth. Lactobacilli is also useful in leucorrhoea and recurrent vaginits. A number of fixed dose combinations or kits are available for treatment of mixed vaginal infections: Tinidazole 1g (2 tabs) + Fluconazole 150 mg (1 cap) in a single dose (Azostat, Nuforce); and Azithromycin 1 g + Fluconazole ISO mg + Secnidazole 2g (AZITHRAL-XP).
I think you can give try to one of these combinations.
High standards of personal hygiene are an essential part of the treatment.
Please ask if there are doubts.