Knee Pain, Weak And Wobbly Knee, History Of Runners Knee
Thanks for writing to us.
The pain in the knee on climbing stairs seems probably due to an irritated knee cap along with mild osteoarthritic changes in your knee joint. These are basically age related degenerative changes in the weight bearing joints like knee and is characterized by joint pain and stiffness. The treatment options include pain killers, hot fomentation, lubricating agents like glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin , dycerin, etc and some life style modifications and physiotherapy.
You can start with walking and aerobic fitness exercises, quadriceps strengthening, patellar tapping, lateral heel wedges, etc- under the guidance of your physiotherapist. A Big No to Stair case, squatting postures, any chair which has a sitting platform lower than your knees. Knee brace can also be used for an earlier and prolonged relief.
In severe cases intra articular injections of steroids and hyaluronic acid may be needed after consultation with your orthopaedician.
I also encourage you to consult an orthopedician for physical examination. A few blood tests, X-rays of the knee, CT / MRI scans of the knee will help us diagnose the condition and help us in choosing the best approach of treatment.
I hope my answer and recommendations are adequate and helpful. Waiting for your further follow up queries if any.