LFT Test Done. What Does The Report Suggest? Is There Anything Serious?
i did a LFT test and the results of foll. test are above reference range..can you pl. suggest if anything is serious or requires further tests:
S.SGOT (AST) :95 U/I
ALT: 76
S.G.G.T: 185
S.total bilirubin 0.5 mg/dl
S.Direct Bilirubin 0.1 mg/dl
S.InDirect Bilirubin 0.4 mg/dl
S. Total protein: 7.0 g/dl
S.Albumin 3 g/dl
S A/G Ratio 1.33
Alkaline phosphastate 90.0 U/I
Thanks for posting your query.
1) Do you have yellowness of eyes and urine?
2) Do you have itching in all over the body?
3) Yes, its true..your LFT is deranged with elevated SGOT/SGPT and Gamma GGT level. Your albumin level is level.
4) Normal level of SGOT/ SGPT is 19 for a female and 30 for a male.
5) Gamma GGT is very specific for liver disease.
6) Have you undergone ultrasound imaging of abdomen?
7) This type of derangement may be present in gall stones, CBD stones, Hepatitis, Chronic liver disease.
8) You should also go for HBsAg, HCV, Iron profile, Renal function test.
9) If such type of derangement persist in coming months then you should also go for liver biopsy.
Put your query if you have.
Take care,
Dr.Mayank Bhargava