Late Period, Back Pain, Breast Pain. No Nausea, Vomiting, Headache. Pregnancy Symptoms?
like any nausea, vomiting or headache nothing.Only breast is paining.what might be the reason..i am bit worried about that.request you to help me on that.
If it is pregnancy what are the symptoms ? Is it possible to stop.I can wait for few days and consult doctor or ?.Here for stomach i took pain killer. Now pain was ok
but till now periods has not happen.Kindly respond me
Thank you for posting here.
Look your description of pain sounds like the pain generally experienced just before a period. Absence of other symptoms of pregnancy does not exclude pregnancy. Breast pain may occur in presence or absence of pregnancy. That is not an indicator of pregnancy.
But, for confirmation of the situation, you have to do a home pregnancy test. It is very simple. You can have the result by using urine. As you have told that your last period was on 14th February. That means you have already missed your period. It is the right time to do a home pregnancy test.
If the test is negative, you have to wait for 7 more days. If you do not have your period even after 7 days, you have to consult with a gynecologist for ordering an ultrasound scan of whole abdomen and prescribing progesterone group of drug for inducing your period. If this method fails, dilation and curettage should be considered.
If the test report is positive, the decision is yours.
The pain is not a stomach pain. It is backache. And when you will take the painkiller, you have to take a pantoprazole group of drug to prevent gastric irritation.
So, do a pregnancy test first. The next step will be determined on the basis of the result. You can also ask a follow up question with the result. And I will tell you what to do next.
Hope this information suffices. Let me know if you have any more question.