Left Side Of The Body Parts Is Small And Underdeveloped. What Is Causing This And What To Do?
Welcome to health care Magic.
Thanks for the detailed report.
there are few possibilities!
The first thing that strikes me is Poland sequence (also called Poland's Syndrome or Poland's Anomaly)
Here there is under development of one side of chest. absent pectoral muscles,along with syndactyly and some other defects.
the other defects are upper limb asymmetry,shortened upper arm.one of the forearm bones may be absent.hypoplasia or absent nipples,kidney anomalies,etc.
This is more common in boys.
The exact cause is unknown.The theory is it is related to the shoulder artery ( subclavian) blood supply interruption as a fetus.
when you go to the specialist they will look for associated anomalies in the kidneys,heart.liver and vertebra and see.
A Pediatric Geneticist will be able to identify and guide you.
As you say that his mile stones are normal ,he may not have brain anomalies which is good sign!
Meanwhile I will think about other possibilities also and let you know!
Do Not Worry!
There Are many Famous adults with this anomaly -even a Boxer!
All the best
God Bless
Dr Uma
Is it likely that any of our other children would have this if it is in fact Poland's Syndrome?
Thank you again!
Poland's syndrome has mostly sporadic occurrence.
There are rare reports of genetic inheritance in a few families in some parts of the world.
So chances of recurrence are remote.
I will definitely let you know when I come across other possibilities thro HCM!
Good luck
Dr Uma