Lethargy, Travel Sickness, Tension Headache, Sore Tongue, Fluctuating BP. Treatment ?
Thanks for writing to us.
It was very good presentation of your symptoms. From your symptoms mentioned above My inference is that the headache, lethargic feeling, dry skin, sore throat and a wide variation in your BP all points to the fact you are following the weight watchers plan very actively.
Most of them when they do carry out the plan they mainly measure every food or drink that they take. By doing so many drink very less quantity of water. This goes always with saying " Dr I do drink water just as before" but they forget the point that water was also taken previously with all sorts of drinks like coke, fruit juices and other beverages, milk, and the food which contains soup and others.
This reduction in water intake is one of the main cause for these symptoms.
If it is so without altering your plan you can increase your water intake.
Another main reason for these symptoms is drastic methods of weight reduction with reduced food and increased exercise will lead insufficient calories and excess fat and protein breakdown which leads to accumulation of toxic products in our body which until cleared can cause these symptoms.
In this condition it is necessary to make appropriate modification in your plan consulting your trainer or the product manual.
B.P is altered daily in every person to a degree 10-20 mmHg in systolic/diastolic pressure normally. It also varies with different posture and in different time of the day and your variation except the morning one is quiet okay.
Remember low & wrong values are given by most of the electronic devices which are to be set to standard very often.
Iron & B vitamins are seen in most fruits and vegetables except B12 which is required in micro grams and is stored in liver for 6 months. Hence occasional Non veg will take care of it.
If you feel you are taking it less try adding one banana/apple per day for iron, vitamins and a piece of boiled red meat per week. That will take care of them.
Never forget the calories required for your daily activities that is essential.
I hope I answered your queries to your satisfaction. For any further queries feel free to write. I will be available.