Lipid Profile Shows Apolioprotein B 136Mg/Dl And APO B:APO A Ratio 1.28. Lipoprotein 8.5MG/DL. Normal?
Need more details for lipoprotein;CRP& LPa normal
Detailed Answer:
Respected Ma'm
1. The normal values for the apolipoproteins for a given individual depends upon her risk for cardiovascular diseases. Hence it requires some more information.
2. Please tell the following things so that exact interpretation can be done:-
a. If you have diabetes/ stroke/ anginal heart disease/ kidney disease/ carotid artery stenosis/ peripheral arterial disease?
b. Do you smoke?
c. Do you have high blood pressure.
d. Do you have history of heart attack/ angina in blood related family member? If yes , at what age it started?
e. If you have your lipid profile values like HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol etc.,
please also tell that.
f. Please also share any other medical illness and all your current medicines.
3. Although HsCRP and lipoprotein (alpha) are yet to prove themselves as standard risk factors for heart attack or cardiovascular disease, people all over the world use them for risk stratification with variable frequency. In your case both these levels are within normal limits. In case of HsCRP, the level less than 0.1 mg/dl is considered to confer low risk for future events. There no well established levels for Apolipoprotein (alpha) but levels less than 10 mg/dl are considered to confer low risk in almost all classifications.
Waiting for your mail with required details.
Sukhvinder Singh
a. If you have diabetes/ stroke/ anginal heart disease/ kidney disease/ carotid artery stenosis/ peripheral arterial disease? No
b. Do you smoke? No
c. Do you have high blood pressure. No- usually low blood pressure
d. Do you have history of heart attack/ angina in blood related family member? If yes , at what age it started?
No. Grandfather had stroke n paralysis at the age of 70+. Grandmother and Mothers Sister has Arthritis from the age of 30+
e. If you have
your lipid profile values like HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol etc.,
please also tell that.
i have attached the report
f. Please also share any other medical illness and all your current medicines.
Not under any medication
Satisfactory lipid profile.
Detailed Answer:
Respected Ma'm
1. The target LDL cholesterol level in your case is <160 mg%, Hence your actual level of 108.9 mg% is within normal limits.
2. Your HDL cholesterol level is marginally low (it should be 50 mg% or more). Best way to increase HDL is to do regular exercise. No medication is required for this as yet.
3. Target Apo-B level in your case is <130 mg%, so your Apo-B level is marginally raised but this comes with a rider. Most of the studies which has linked cardiovascular risk to cholesterol and benefits of its reduction were done with LDL cholesterol as prime target and not Apo-B. Moreover Apo-B measurement does not provide any additional benefit over LDL-cholesterol.
Overall your Cholesterol profile, HsCRP and lipoprotein (alpha) are satisfactory. The only recommendation based on this will be to do regular exercise (after consulting your physician). This will take care of marginal abnormalities which are there.
Hope this helps.
Sukhvinder Singh