Low Sexual Desire. Taking Medication For High Cholesterol And Tinnitus. Could It Be Due To The Side Effects? Alcohol Addiction.
Low libido (sex desire) now a days is very common, whether in male or female. According to a study of an American agency, 39 % of male (above 30 years old) experience diminished sex desire.
There are several factors which can affect the sexual potency of a male. Sometimes that may be medicinal, sometimes emotional and sometimes environmental
Since there is no one factor particularly responsible for the problem various factors which may be responsible for lack of sexual desire or erectile dysfunction in your husband are
1. Testosterone is the hormone, which is responsible for creating lovemaking desire in male. So, a falling level of testosterone, no matter whatever the cause is results in a low libido in male.
2. Though it seems that drinking of alcoholic beverages enhances libido but the consequence prolonged intake of alcoholic beverages is always a low libido.
3. Recurring pain from any diseases makes a person unable to even think of lovemaking like his pain abdomen and headaches
4. Physical weakness due to some reason or other can also play negative role.
5.. Stress, fear and anxiety are three things which have the potency to decrease the libido.
6 Eating habit can also be a culprit. Eating spicy and oily foods can diminish one’s sex desire.
7. Aging plays a vital role also. As the age progresses the sex desire diminishes naturally.
As far as treatment is concerned what he requires is a heart to heart talk to you regarding any stress pertaining to you or money or home or illness.
Regular exercises
He has to cut down on alcohol
Consultation with doctor regarding his pain abdomen and recurrent headaches and it's management.
Reducing some weight
Lastly trying some prescription aphrodisiac drugs in consultation with the doctor
I hope to have answered your query however you may revert to me for any further query.
Best of luck.
Since Oct has has started exercising and has joined slmming world and lost over a stone - now just over 14st. I had planned to talk to him re alcohol consumption to help give the liver time to detox and repair itself. Going to send link from live clinic programme last night. All blood tests came back clear - not sure if they specifically tested testosterone. I understand that aging has an impact on desire and this had been affecting him but it literally stopped overnight. It's good to hear that medication may help and therefore certain foods may also help.
I think you are very caring and loving for your husband.
There is no doubt that age is definitely the issue.
Your constant love and attention for him coupled with your encouragement for him to do regular exercises and moderation of his alcohol may bring the desired result in him.
Regular exercises are one of the best medicines to increase the sexual desires and performance.