MRI Showed Cervical Spondylosis, Facet Disease, Foraminal Stenosis At C5-6 And C-7. Surgery Needed?

You have cervical sponylosis with resultant facet disease and foraminal stenosis at C5-6 and C-7. Facet disease usually results into axial neck pain and forminal stenosis results into nerve compression causing neurological symptoms such as tingling, numbness in upper extremities, neck pain radiating to arms.
You have tried various treatments. One need to know how bad is your pain? does physical therapy relieves the pain? Do you get arm pain daily? in night as well?
Facet injection is one of the treatment option when you have more neck pain and minimal neurological symptoms as it will not relieve the nerve pressure and it is not useful for foraminal stenosis. Response to these injections vary from patient to patient however if it relieves your neck pain at least 50% then we can always repeat those injections. Typically side effects are minimal with risk of bleeding or infection.
Conservative treatment such as cervical traction is also helpful and you can consider it doing at your home as well if it gives you relief.
Now I would suggest to get a fresh MRI before considering any invasive intervention. Get examined by a spine specialist to know more about the neurological component in your symptoms and signs. If you have significant nerve pressure and related symptoms then facet injection wont help and in that case you can consider doing cervical epidural block if you dont want a surgery. Thanks.

Yes I have pain in neck both sides,arms daily and in night.
Like minor relief is feeling with physio.
Does pain in legs,weakness while walking and heavyness like swelling in legs is due to this problem,
Sometimes neck gets so stiff and experienced that there is swelling too.
Pain is traveling to frontal head both sides and center of head does this is due to cervical,
Does I have both radiculopathy and Facet arthropathy?
Here in Canada MRI takes many many months, does the latest changes can be evaluated by CT of Cervical and Lumber? You can please guide for CT with what type of specific details I can ask doctor even this will take around 20-25 days to book appointment.
Does Xrays can evaluate latest changes? Do I need any specific blood work?
As said that Bowl movements is changing does this is side effects of changes happened in Cervical spine?before considering any invasive intervention-does injection is invasive intervention? should I go for injection only after fresh MRI, which is like impossible to have MRI in this country.what does mean- by cervical epidural block as you said.
You know due to spine problems getting confused what should be taken? Here even simple to simple treatment takes months and even years.Anyway
Till date I did not get appointment for injection, please help me in understanding- Does CERVICAL/THORACIC FACET INJECTION C4-5 ,C6-7 are same that of CERVICAL EPIDURAL BLOCK INJECTION, there is lot of confusion mentioned at link. WWW.WWWW.WW , mentioning this injection.
Your clarifications will be of great support.
More you can please clarify that CERVICAL/THORACIC FACET INJECTION C4-5 ,C6-7 carry which stuff?
Medicine you suggested can be continued. Bowel changes due to medicine side effects and not due to spine. Thanks.

You carry tons of knowledge and expertise. What do you suggest for arms pain -elbow,wrists and pain in lower extremities legs and knees,does this is due to other reasons, guide for this. due to high ESR like from 25 to 45 during last three years, Low IgM, low IGF-1, High Hyptoglobulin,Low RBC,Hemotacrit,hemoglobin,Should I send detailed blood work done so far, having severe obs,sleep apnea non compliance of CPAP. TSH was 0.03 synthroid has been stopped about 15 days back. lower parts of legs getting weak and pain.Sleep is disturbing too. Lumber pain is often coming , lower back pain.Lots of concerns.
You can still consider facet injection with high esr. Thanks.

MRI waiting time is around over 2 years, family doctor is confident that I should go for facet injections, SHOULD I?
Radiologist have given four different dates for injections at C4-5, C6-7 means one each at right and left during every seating, he will give one injection at a time at right and left on second seating. Does this is correct procedure.
Can I discontinue after first injection at say right side of C4-5, in case there is any increase in pain /signs, does this will give any adverse effect? they are going to give CORTISONE .I will go only as per guidance from specialists from India.
Latest Thyroid results 18 april shows- Free T4 8.8 pmol/L (LOW), TSH 6.14 mIu/L(HIGH), Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody - 5.8 KIU/L,RANGE IS 0.0 - 34.0,
Ultra sound of thyoid and neck is enclosed.
Regards XXXXXX

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