Missed Heart Beats, Anxiety, Tiredness. Taken Amlodipine, Ramipril, Propanolol, Bisoprolol. Could It Be The Side-effects Of Medication?
Thanks for your query.
I will try my best to provide you with best possible professional recommendations to your questions.
Bisoprolol and ramipril can cause fatigue and drowsiness as side effect. But anxiety is not related to this drugs.
I think as you are awaiting a heart monitoring, this is responsible for your anxiety and is quite normal. Late afternoon tiredness is common in most of the working people.
Anxiety can due to the emotional disturbance (loosing your mother) that you are facing. Anxiety it self can be responsible for palpitation.
If the anxiety is of long duration i advice you to speak with the physician, he may consider prescribing medications for this.
Yet again, I do hope that you have found something helpful and I will be glad to answer any further query.
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