Missed Period Since 13 Days,sex Using Condom,condom Slipped,chances Of Pregnancy?
Ovulation occurs around 14 days prior to the expected date of your next period. If you have had sex around this time of the month, your chances of getting pregnant are high.
Since your periods were expected on 3rd or 4th of April, there are chances of conception on 17th and 18th March (the dates when you had sex). Please note that using a condom does not give 100 percent protection against pregnancy. Further, you have indicated that the condom may have slipped during intercourse. This indicates that there are definitely chances of pregnancy.
You need to do a urine pregnancy test to determine if you are pregnant. This can be performed at home using a home pregnancy test kit (home pregnancy test kits are available over-the-counter in any medical store). If these are not available in your area, you can get the same test done in a laboratory/primary health center. Since your periods have already been delayed for 2 weeks, you should get the test done as soon as possible.
Emergency contraceptive pills are effective only if taken within 72 hours of sexual intercourse. There are no pills that can prevent pregnancy if you have already conceived in this cycle.
Hope I have answered your query. I will be available if you have any further questions.
There are several brands of home pregnancy test kits available in the market (eg. Pregcolor, Preganews). Ask you chemist for a 'home pregnancy test kit'.
Read the instructions given in the kit carefully. Instructions will be different for different brands.
Pregnancy test kits detect pregnancy by measuring a hormone called hCG in your urine. In general for most tests, you need to collect a sample of urine (preferably but not necessarily an early morning urine sample) in a clean container. You need to put a couple of drops of urine in a well on the test slide/cassette. The results are usually displayed within 5 minutes in the form of pink/blue lines appearing on the slide/cassette (different brands display results in different ways; the kit instructions will clearly indicate how results are to be interpreted and what constitutes a positive/negative test).
Some of the early symptoms of pregnancy are:
Missed period
Morning sickness
Frequent urination
Food cravings
Breast tenderness
These symptoms may appear even before a missed period in some women and they may not appear at all in others. You may or may not experience these symptoms.
Wish you god health.
You need to give a urine sample to the laboratory to be tested for hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) levels.
Ask for a 'urine hCG' test.
If you are pregnant, the report will say that the test is 'positive'.
A positive test indicates that there are detectable amounts of hCG in your urine. hCG is a hormone that is produced by the embryo in the first trimester of pregnancy. hCG levels can be detected in urine 12-14 days after conception.
Wish you good health.