Mouth Ulcers, Tooth Pain, Chronic Condition, Recurring. Dental Or Gastro Problem ?
Thanks for the query.
Does your wife have any fever ?
Does she have any face swelling, any ulcers anywhere else in the body ?
Any joint pains ?
Any pain while chewing, any toothache, any difficulty swallowing ?
Usually recurrent mouth ulcer can be due to few causes.
Common causes can be sharp edge of a tooth nearby which is damaging the mouth lining, possible low blood cells to fight infection, Vitamin deficiency, problem in immune system etc.
You will need to get her evaluated by a competent Dentist to rule out the possibility of sharp edge of tooth which can be causing this.
You can continue giving the Vitamin tablets as advised by her Doctor. Also see that she eats soft bland diet which should not irritate the ulcer. She can apply Smyle or Dentogel or other Dental anaesthetic gel in your area to relieve the pain associated with the mouth ulcer. It should heal in 3-5 days.
If the Dentist is not able to find dental causes then she will need to be seen by her Doctor to rule out infections due to low blood count, autoimmune disorders etc.
Keep her well hydrated. Eat healthy. Do daily exercise to keep fit.
I hope I have answered your query. I will be available to answer your follow up queries.
Thanks for the follow up.
Since she has tooth pain, there could be adjacent infection which may be associated with the recurrent mouth ulcer.
Do get her evaluated by the Dentist first to rule out sharp tooth and also any associated tooth infections. Let her avoid spicy food.
She can apply dental anaesthetic gel like Oratect-G after consulting dentist around 4 times a day over that site to tide over the painful condition.
Recurrent ulcers need to be investigated as there is usually local cause in the mouth which can be treated.
Wishing you good health.
Does your wife have any abdominal pain, vomiting, change in bowel habits
Do follow with the medication prescribed by her Dentist.
Usually recurring mouth ulcer is not commonly directly related with stomach ulcers. If she has no trouble with function of her abdomen, then you can wait for a while till the medication takes effect as prescribed by her Dentist.
If your wife has any abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, problem in stools she can get a consult with the Gastroenterologist.
Make sure she is on diet with less spice, less hot food or fluid which can disturb healing of ulcer.
Wishing you good health.