Nasal Septum Covered In Black Rocky Crust. I Am A Cocaine Addict. Scared
Thanks for your query.
Several people who used cocaine had the same thing happen to them after snorting for long periods. Snorting causes nasal cavity and nasal septum damage and this lead to recurrent infections of nose and crusting. Most of the cases in initial days were able to heal and had no long term effects. You should remember that after long term use they causes permanent irreversible nasal cavity membrane and septum damage. Ultimate treatment is plastic surgery which can be very painful physically and financially.
For this nasal crust you only need repeated nasal washing with normal saline and an antibiotics for that you should visit a ENT surgeon for proper opinion.
You should visit a psychiatrist or a DE addiction or methadone center earliest and have to admit there for 4-6 weeks to make you free from cocaine addiction.
Hope I have answered your query. If you have any further questions I will be happy to help.
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Best Wishes,
Dr Sourav Ganguly