Nausea, Constipated, Tired, Sleepy. Had Diarrhea And Vomiting. Taking Metronidazole And Penicillin For Dental Problem. Thoughts?
Post-diarrhoeal abdominal discomfort is quite common and is usually due to the mucosal inflammation and the transient lactose intolerence. It usually presents as nausea, loss of apetite, bloating and flatulence and subsides over a week to 10 days.
Use of antidepressants also causes constipation and in the long run may lead to small bowel bacterial overgrowth and vitamin deficiencies. This can be diagnosed by getting a lactulose and glucose-hydrogen breath test.
Statins can cause myalgias and liver inflammation as side effect which inturn may present as nausea and loss of apetite.
Hence consult your doctor and get these things sorted out. Meanwhile you can have some prokinetics, probiotics, vitamin supplements and quit milk for 2 weeeks.
Hope I have answered your query. Please accept my answer in case you do not have further queries.